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It’s quite daunting to look inside your planner and see it jam-packed with project deadlines, meetings, urgent tasks, and other responsibilities.

It’s not easy to manage a super busy life, especially if you have multiple commitments at once and all you want to do is keep up with these demands without getting tired.

Remember that everyone can get burnt out at some point, especially if they have a constantly packed schedule.

However, there are different ways to achieve balance with a busy routine. Our stress management experts are breaking it down!

Have a Wholesome Morning Routine

If you haven’t been spending your mornings having some much-needed me time, it’s time to start now.

Your morning should start with a relaxation technique – take an hour to recharge yourself by reading a book and having small sips of your coffee. Don’t overstimulate yourself during this time because you’re preparing your body for the entire day.

Too much stress and stimulation can exhaust the brain and gradually lead to burnout.

You can also consider doing mindful exercises, going for a walk, or journaling to start the day off right.

Personal Mantras Really Help

One effective way to keep up with the stressful demands of your busy life is by refocusing your thoughts and refining yourself by repeating some personal mantras.

Be more conscious of your breathing and slow down instead of rushing to everything. Look up some mantras and find something that really resonates with you.

Jot it down somewhere and repeat it to yourself whenever you’re feeling challenged or come across a stressful situation.

Schedule Some Me-Time

a woman looking stressed.While your schedule might not allow it, take some time out for yourself to give yourself a breather.

Your brain shouldn’t be thinking about work and meeting deadlines all the time because, at some point, it will experience symptoms of burnout.

Find peaceful moments during your work hours, sit down with yourself, and do something that gives you joy. This can be listening to a fun song, meditating, or cooking a hearty meal.

If you’re constantly stressed and need professional stress management services, check out Heidi Gerber today.

Being one of the top stress experts in Long Island, Heidi provides a range of stress management services, including lymphatic drainage massage, dry needling therapy, myofascial release therapy, and more.

Book an appointment now to get started.

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